What's My KAS Segment?

KAS allocates consumers into one of 24 distinct cohorts.
Find out which cohort you belong to and a description of a typical member of your group.

What's My KAS Segment?

KAS Profile Lookup

What is KAS?
What is KAS?

18 - 30

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View more KAS Profiles

Rising Stars
Beautiful Beginnings
Part Time Casuals
Young Ambition
Starting Out
Cash Strapped
Income & Assets
Metro Mums
Humble Homes
Smart Money
Giving It A Go
Modest Means
Wealthy & Wise
Homes & Wealth
Frugal Homes
Comfortably Cruising
Garages & Gardens
On The Tools
Champagne Seniors
Prudent Pensions
Grandkids & Causes
Silver Foxes
Lawns & Lotteries
Thrifty Retirees